Sometimes you hear asking, What is God?
And we are fortunate that the Apostle St. John already tells us in his Gospel:
(If in a Catholic Bible and within it we search the book of St. John, chapter 4 and verse 24 in a Catholic Bible each phrase is called a verse. In textbooks it appears as Jn 4:24)
(Jn 4:24) 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.
What a fortune to have this affirmation for 2,000 years to be able to teach it to others
😀 Ale-luya 😀
Catechism of the Catholic Church click here
797 "What the soul is to the human body, the Holy Spirit is to the Body of Christ, which is the Church."243 "To this Spirit of Christ, as an invisible principle, is to be ascribed the fact that all the parts of the body are joined one with the other and with their exalted head; for the whole Spirit of Christ is in the head, the whole Spirit is in the body, and the whole Spirit is in each of the members."244 The Holy Spirit makes the Church "the temple of the living God":245
Indeed, it is to the Church herself that the "Gift of God" has been entrusted.... In it is in her that communion with Christ has been deposited, that is to say: the Holy Spirit, the pledge of incorruptibility, the strengthening of our faith and the ladder of our ascent to God.... For where the Church is, there also is God's Spirit; where God's Spirit is, there is the Church and every grace.246
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